You are probably wondering what this peculiarly named syndrome is. The Dhat syndrome is an upcoming and newly recognized condition found mostly in males in the Asian and Indian populations. Even though it has been recognized in the Western world, we still do not clearly understand it here. So, let’s look at this syndrome closely.  

The concept of Dhat

The word “Dhat” derives from the Sanskrit language word dhatu, meaning “elixir” or “constituent part of the body” which is considered to be “ a concentrated, and powerful bodily substance, and its preservation guarantees health and longevity.” texts of Ayurvedic medicine, refers to semen as an elixir that constitutes the male body. However, in medical terms, it refers to the seminal fluid being ejected involuntarily, usually seen after urination or as nocturnal emissions. Some cultures typically view semen as a "vital fluid."


Dhat syndrome is also known as semen loss syndrome for obvious reasons. This condition is culture-bound, meaning it is mostly seen in our Indian subcontinent and in other parts of Asia with some links also to the Western world. It is considered as “neurosis of the orient” as it is a psychosexual health condition. 


Essentially, Dhat syndrome is a widely prevalent clinical and cultural condition often associated with Asian folk “(men)” that is characterized by loss of semen with urine along with other psychological symptoms such as a depressed mood, anxiety, stress, and tension. When a man notices the semen leaking out of him after masturbation or intercourse, it often affects his mood negatively, leaving him fatigued and upset. Constant feelings of negativity eventually lead to a state of depression that affects a man deeply in his mind. Dhat syndrome is now being assessed as a distinct manifestation of depression or any other medical illness that gets derived from semen loss and other sexual issues. 


The term culture-bound syndromes denote the dramatic, and discrete

behavioral reaction patterns unique to a particular community that articulates both personal predicament and public concerns. Since our society and community shape our thoughts and perceptions of some mental illnesses and taboo topics such as sexuality and sexual illnesses, in this case, it is the Dhat syndrome. 

Some common misconceptions about Dhat

A number of misbeliefs make up for the foundation of what the common man believes to be the Dhat syndrome. 



Many men believe that Dhat might: 

  • Make them impotent,
  • Weaken their sexual prowess,
  • Destroy their bodies irreparably, 
  • Prevent them from having male children. 
  • Cause premature child deaths, 
  • The delivery of abnormal pregnancy, anemia, and 
  • Penis atrophy (shrinking of the penis) etc. 


However, none of these beliefs have been scientifically proven to come true. As strong as these misconceptions seem to have a hold on our society, there is no real threat that takes place. Problems arise only when you believe these to be true and that you are affected by them. 

Types of Dhat syndrome 

Even if there is no proof of semen loss the fear or belief of seminal loss causes the person to develop a sense of impending doom. When a man notices the frequent loss of semen it is set off in his mind that he is in big trouble, resulting in a slew of symptoms. These theories of semen loss and the ensuing worry have been documented in parts of Southern Asia and other parts of the subcontinent as well as India. Semen leaks and the side effects it causes are so widespread that awareness is almost everywhere, and most of them spread false or misleading information. 

Here we describe the three main forms that the Dhat syndrome takes into play. 

Three specific types of Dhat Syndrome

Simply Dhat: 

In this case, the patient's symptoms are related to sperm loss in semen and frequent leakage of semen alone.


Dhat is followed by depression or anxiety: 



In this case, depression or anxiety are the most likely companion conditions for Dhat. This type is more on the psychological side and mainly requires counseling as a treatment intervention. 

Dhat accompanied by sexual dysfunction: 

The patient may experience erectile dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, or other psychosexual circumstances when depressive neurosis or anxiety neurosis is present. This type is a mix of psychological and sexual issues.

How Dhat is different from premature ejaculation?

When a man engages in sexual activity and ejaculates within a short amount of time as a result of excessive excitement or anxiety, this is known as premature ejaculation (PE). Premature ejaculation can occasionally be brought on by physical dysfunction, nerve injury, and other sexually-related issues. 


However, Dhat syndrome is connected to involuntary semen loss when a man experiences persistent dread and worry that exaggerates the severity and manifests into the condition itself.

Symptoms of Dhat Syndrome

The following symptoms are commonly listed as indications of Dhat syndrome by most healthcare professionals:


  1. Visible loss of semen right after passing urine,
  2. Need for regular masturbation, 
  3. Participation in excessive sexual activity frequently,
  4. Poor concentration leads to memory loss,
  5. Preoccupation with worry and fear,
  6. Nervousness, 
  7. Easily feeling fatigued,
  8. Lack of physical strength,
  9. Guilt and obsessing over the issue,
  10. Appetite loss,
  11. Signs of depression, and,
  12. Sexual dysfunction.


How Dhat manifests itself

Usually, Dhat is seen to manifest itself through its emission after passing urine or during nocturnal emission. Patients with Dhat syndrome symptoms have been found to be from the younger crowd, newly married, from average or low socioeconomic backgrounds (perhaps students, laborers, or farmers by occupation), from rural areas, and from families with traditional or no views on sex.


The condition can last anywhere from three months to more than a year. These patients claimed to lose their sperm when sleeping, urinating, masturbating, and during sexual relations with a partner.

Semen loss anxiety is characterized by a wide range of psychosexual symptoms that are frequent in South Asia and leads to the loss of vital body substance through semen. Nocturnal emissions, masturbation, urinal semen loss, and sexual activity were the most typical causes of semen loss. 


“Nocturnal emission is a spontaneous orgasm that occurs while you are sleeping and may include ejaculation for men, or an orgasm for men. It is also referred to colloquially as a wet dream, sex dream, or sleep orgasm.”

Medical conditions that are connected to Dhat syndrome

Certain medical conditions can cause Dhat syndrome, and if left untreated, they can also produce more serious health concerns such as:

  1. Infection of the prostate gland or prostatitis is the primary cause of semen loss in males.
  2. Another cause of semen leakage in men, typically resulting from earlier surgeries or traumas.
  3. Nerve damage in the groin area leads to poor urination and excessive semen loss in males.
  4. Poor lifestyle choices like drinking, eating poorly, and having excess body fat put stress on your organs, causing them to become unwell and vulnerable to a variety of diseases.
  5. Dhat syndrome is also brought on by a poor digestive system, an increased feeling of constipation, diarrhea, or piles. When defecating, this is observed as a white discharge that leaves the penis.

Reproductive health is affected by Dhat

Nerve damage or paralysis:

During the natural form in males, nerves are in charge of keeping the semen locked in. Dhat syndrome or semen discharge during urinating or while participating in daily activities is induced by nerve paralysis.


Damage to the liver:

This illness puts an increasing burden on the liver, whose inefficiency worsens muscle weakness, lowers energy levels, hampers fat metabolism, and contaminates the blood.


Dhat can be made worse by a condition affecting the prostate gland that secretes seminal secretions known as Prostatitis.


People who have DS frequently start out with traditional healers and alternative healthcare experts. As a response, numerous therapy approaches have grown in popularity. The use of dietary supplements, a protein- and iron-rich diet, vitamin B and C complexes, antibiotics, multivitamin injections, herbal "supplements," etc. as treatments. In order to promote early detection and appropriate referrals, community awareness needs to be raised, particularly in primary healthcare. Two-thirds of DS patients make a full recovery with psychoeducation using introspective, nonjudgmental, and empathy-based methods.


The management of DS has been recommended over time using sex education, psychotherapy, psychoeducation, relaxation techniques, sex education, and pharmaceuticals. To address the problematic assumptions and attitudes in DS, cognitive behavioral and short solution-focused techniques are helpful in psychotherapy. Sex education needs to be adjusted to the vocabulary and values of the area. It is important to address any personal stress problems that may have contributed to DS. Once one is treated for symptoms like depression and anxiety, Dhat is also simultaneously treated.

Exercises for Dhat Syndrome



Many sexologists and health experts recommend using workout routines for young people, married couples, and the elderly in order to overcome their sexual issues and enjoy life with a healthy mind and body. Men experience psychological stimulation after working out since the adrenaline is kicked up a notch. Most sexual problems are resolved when the pelvic muscles are toned and the blood veins that supply the penis with blood become healthier.

Yoga and meditation



All body parts are brought to a state of relaxation and soundness with the help of yoga, which also encourages healthy blood flow and oxygen levels in the body. Every day 20–30 minute yoga sessions have helped to get rid of dysfunctional and dhat issues. Not to mention the all-body benefits that yoga and meditation provide. 

Foods to Cure Dhat Syndrome?



Vitamin B is a very efficient dietary supplement for enhancing sperm quality and health, particularly vitamin B12, which promotes sperm quality and quantity. To meet your body's need for Vitamin B, try including foods high in the vitamin, such as nuts, sprouts, peas, salmon, and milk-based products, in your diet. Furthermore, eating a balanced diet will assist you in addressing numerous health issues and promoting a wholesome lifestyle.

Ayurvedic treatment for Dhat Syndrome

Sperm is the foundation of life and fertility that maintains energy levels in the body. The dhat syndrome can be brought on by frequent intercourse, and notably, masturbation, which can cause the dhatus to get out of balance. Dhat Syndrome, which improves the vitality and efficiency of the reproductive system, can be treated with ayurvedic herbs like Shilajit


By reducing weakness, raising testosterone levels, and preventing semen leakage along with urine, these herbs will greatly reenergize and revitalize the male reproductive system.


According to Ayurveda, no disease can be solely treated since the body always functions as a unit. Thus, addressing diseases by altering a person's diet, level of activity, lifestyle, mental health, and general physical health will give an all-around benefit to treatment. Before administering any medication to a patient for the treatment of Dhat, the therapist must first clarify the patient's false ideas and listen to his perceptions of Dhat.

Avoid Certain Things During Dhat Syndrome

Social and cultural issues are mostly to blame for the establishment of Dhat syndrome in men.  Regularly discharged sperm in semen weakens the body, something that is not normal. Certain things should be avoided during Dhat therapy, which would include:

  • Constant thoughts of stress and pressure, 
  • Excessive exposure to unrealistic sexual stuff (such as porn),
  • Exceeding the daily maximum caffeine intake,
  • Frequent cigarette or alcohol use, and
  • Focusing only on the negatives and being pessimistic about yourself.



In these situations, regular counseling is frequently advised in conjunction with anti-anxiety and anti-depression medications. In order to safeguard semen from leaking into the urine, medication may also be suggested. Additionally, the patient is taught how and where to unwind in order to maintain the genital tract's proper functioning. You can speak with a sexologist if you want to discuss a specific issue.


At Kindly, we have expert psychologists who can help you find the correct cause of your sexual worries and help you through this tough phase of life. Sometimes talking to someone who can give you the best advice in times of crisis is essential. Click here to book a one-on-one session with our experts. 



Dhat is a crucial indication for diagnosing psychosexual conditions. Dhat syndrome and related symptoms can also be found in people from outside Asia.


This illness is a multifaceted cultural and psychological "construct" that is historically significant and symptomatically puzzling. This condition offers special insights into the cultural circumstances of human nature as well as the significance of false assumptions, false convictions, and false knowledge of sexuality. Its prevalence, comorbidities, and resulting dysfunction make it important for sexual and emotional well-being. Since it is treatable, knowledge and awareness are essential to managing it. We hope to provide you with a thorough description of DS and its significance to mental health by aiming to give you a "bird's eye" view of this.

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